Frigidaire 20.5 cu.ft. Upright Freezer, White
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FeaturesFront Digital Display: YesLower Storage Basket: 1Mid-Level Baskets: 1Full-Width Adjustable Shelves: 1 WireFull-Width Fixed Shelves: 3 WireAdjustable Shelf Bookend Organizers: 2Full-Width Door Bins: 1Tilt-out Wire Door Bins: 1Adjustable Door Bins: 5Store-Moreª Tilt-out Door Bins: 1Interior Light: YesEnhanced Interior Lighting: 40W BlueLock with Pop-out Key: YesLeveling Legs: 2Temp. Display Mode: F / CHigh Temp. Alarm: YesHigh Temp. Duration Readout: YesDefrost: Frost FreeAdjustable Temp. Control: Precision-Set ControlsDirectional Airflow Ports: 1Door Ajar Alarm: YesAuto Door Closer: YesDimensions/Specificatio nsWidth: 32"Depth: 31-1/8"Depth with Door Open 90¡: 59-3/8"Height: 70-5/8" 5250794 UPC: 12505225826
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